Lemon Drop

Lemon Drop
One of my first Happy Hour Cuptail creations

Monday, November 14, 2011

This little piggy went to market and cried yippee all the way home!

Dave Ramsey is a financial genius and my husband and I are trying to follow the "Ramsey" plan to get out of debt (http://www.daveramsey.com/home/)........so trying to start a business in a down economic time may not be the brightest idea I've ever had, so I'm trying my best to find ways to get the word out about my cupcakes without going further into debt.  This weekend, I tried one of those ways out.....I took my cupcakes to market! The 2nd Saturdayz market that is! http://www.2ndsaturdayz.blogspot.com/http://www.2ndsaturdayz.blogspot.com/  This market is more of an antiques, refurbished furniture, etc. type market so I had no idea how cupcakes would do at something like this, but I figured I had to try.

It's November, so I went with 3 flavors that to me say "Fall/Thanksgiving"; Pumpkin Cheesecake, Dutch Apple Crumble and Salted Caramel Mocha Swirl. And because our church was having "Bacon Sunday" on Sunday - I decided to make my Chocolate Bakon Vodka Cuptails and bring those too! I had just under 200 cupcakes - I specialize in the mini cupcakes and so to make things easier I sold each one for $1.00.  I nearly sold out!  I couldn't believe how much people were loving my cupcakes!  I especially loved some of the comments - one vendor came up to me and said, "Your cupcakes are probably the best I have ever had and I've had a lot of cupcakes" - her favorite was the bacon cupcakes (which were my best sellers).  Another person came up and said that her friend had bought her the Dutch Apple Crumble and that it was not the one she would have picked but then she went on to say that it is the BEST cupcake she has ever had!  So, I will be going back to market in December - I have 3, maybe 4 new recipes that I plan to try out, all geared toward Christmas treats, and of course, I will be bringing my main attractions - The Chocolate Bakon Vodka Cuptails (probably a double batch), so if you are in the Seattle Area on that 2nd Saturday some check out some  very cools stuff and enjoy a cupcake or two (why not, they're small)!

Left to right: Dutch Apple Crumble, Salted Caramel Mocha Swirl, Chocolate Bakon Vodka & Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake

Salted Caramel Mocha Swirl

Dutch Apple Crumble
Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake

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