Lemon Drop

Lemon Drop
One of my first Happy Hour Cuptail creations

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Very Special Cupcake for a Very Special Person

I've written about where my inspiration comes from when creating new recipes, usually it's from drinks or cookies and candy, etc. but this one has a very special meaning because even though it is a drink, the real inspiration was my best friend Erica!

Erica was one of those rare finds, the kind of person that people were drawn to; beautiful, funny, caring, loyal, a true friend through and through and I was lucky enough to get to call her my best friend.

Erica's story - Shortly after she was married, she was diagnosed with Melanoma, stage 3 possibly 4 - if you know much about Melanoma you know this is not good.  She fought for 2 years, went through painful treatments and experimental drugs, etc.  She lost her fight in April of 2004.  I miss her very much but more than that, I really don't ever want to see anyone else suffer the way she did, so I decided to create a cuptail in her honor and part of the proceeds will go to Melanoma research.

Why Goldschlager? - well the story behind that is a bit personal but let's just say that we enjoyed the liquor and I really think she loved the idea of the gold flakes being part of the experience. The other thing about it, well, I found some edible gold stars to decorate the cupcake with and she was born in the late 60's to some young kids and therefore her middle name was Star. It all comes together - well at least it does for me.

The Cuptail
For more information about melanoma go to www.melanoma.com
If you want information on how to order Goldschlager cuptails (Seattle area), go to www.happyhourcuptails.com

I miss her very much and I think about how happy she would be for me as I start this adventure in the world of baking and selling cupcakes. I also think she would have been the perfect person to partner with me in this adventure but God had other plans for her, so I'm on my own here but I'm sure she looks down on me from Heaven and is thrilled with my success!

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